In-House Trainings In-house TrainingSpas provide relaxation, health and nurturing, specifically tailored to individual needs.Alongside all the necessary materials and technology, and the structure and profitability of your business, people – as helpers, organisers, service providers – are also central to promoting a positive emotional state. Only by working as a community is it possible to make the most of everyone’s abilities, to turn skills into assets that fulfil guests’ high expectations of their spa visit. Our professional development courses are directed at staff in specific departments:ManagementFront OfficeReservationsSPA ReceptionOutstanding service in SPAsSPA etiquette SPA specific consultation techniqueConsultations that focus on the needs of guests are the cornerstone of any successful spa, from reception to treatments. We provide training in SPA specific consultation techniques that are both anchored in practice and sales orientated. Additional topics include exploiting potential, product sales, good practice with guests and treatment safety.WE WILL BE HAPPY TO EMAIL YOU FURTHER INFORMATIONcONTACT US WITH YOUR ENQUIRY (NO COMMITMENT) Training in guest orientated consultation and salesSpa sales are largely generated externally. SPA Reception Training deals with how to activate all points of sale. This qualification is directed at Front Office and Reception staff as well as any staff involved with SPA reservations or consultation. This in house training focuses on the effective functioning of your communications centres and the coordination of the interface between Front Office and Sales. GUEST ORIENTATED CONSULTATION & SALES – IN HOUSE TRAININGConsultation focusing on guest needs is the primary criterion for the professional evaluation of spas, because it automatically leads to sales and treatment bookings. However, it requires a specialised technique. This workshop teaches your staff spa specific consultation techniques and how to deploy them effectively in practice. The result is staff who enjoy, and are good at, giving advice to guests, immediate increases in sales and significantly higher numbers of satisfied guests! Practical training to put into practice. PRE-/ CROSS-/ UP-SELLING – IN HOUSE TRAININGThis workshop covers how to convince today's guests to take advantage of spa services, how to recognise the best point of sale and how to ensure communications focus as closely as possible on guest needs. We provide the tools that will rapidly turn you and your spa staff into expert advisors and help you convert more consultations into sales. Active selling and personalised guest care are crucial to success. These courses include extensive expert input and tried and tested practical examples and will show your Front Office, Reception and Reservations staff just how easy pre / cross / up selling can be. QUALITY OF TOUCH – IN HOUSE TRAININGThe storyboard – spa experience:Our guests naturally expect high quality treatments. It is the quality of touch and the overall impression that guests receive, from being greeted for a therapeutic or cosmetic treatment right through to departure, that turn it into an experience.This intensive and highly practical seminar works with your team to develop customised approaches to guest interaction before, during and after treatment, on the basis of your concept, philosophy and guest profiles.
Our professional development courses are directed at staff in specific departments:ManagementFront OfficeReservationsSPA ReceptionOutstanding service in SPAsSPA etiquette
SPA specific consultation techniqueConsultations that focus on the needs of guests are the cornerstone of any successful spa, from reception to treatments. We provide training in SPA specific consultation techniques that are both anchored in practice and sales orientated. Additional topics include exploiting potential, product sales, good practice with guests and treatment safety.WE WILL BE HAPPY TO EMAIL YOU FURTHER INFORMATIONcONTACT US WITH YOUR ENQUIRY (NO COMMITMENT)
Training in guest orientated consultation and salesSpa sales are largely generated externally. SPA Reception Training deals with how to activate all points of sale. This qualification is directed at Front Office and Reception staff as well as any staff involved with SPA reservations or consultation. This in house training focuses on the effective functioning of your communications centres and the coordination of the interface between Front Office and Sales.
GUEST ORIENTATED CONSULTATION & SALES – IN HOUSE TRAININGConsultation focusing on guest needs is the primary criterion for the professional evaluation of spas, because it automatically leads to sales and treatment bookings. However, it requires a specialised technique. This workshop teaches your staff spa specific consultation techniques and how to deploy them effectively in practice. The result is staff who enjoy, and are good at, giving advice to guests, immediate increases in sales and significantly higher numbers of satisfied guests! Practical training to put into practice.
PRE-/ CROSS-/ UP-SELLING – IN HOUSE TRAININGThis workshop covers how to convince today's guests to take advantage of spa services, how to recognise the best point of sale and how to ensure communications focus as closely as possible on guest needs. We provide the tools that will rapidly turn you and your spa staff into expert advisors and help you convert more consultations into sales. Active selling and personalised guest care are crucial to success. These courses include extensive expert input and tried and tested practical examples and will show your Front Office, Reception and Reservations staff just how easy pre / cross / up selling can be.
QUALITY OF TOUCH – IN HOUSE TRAININGThe storyboard – spa experience:Our guests naturally expect high quality treatments. It is the quality of touch and the overall impression that guests receive, from being greeted for a therapeutic or cosmetic treatment right through to departure, that turn it into an experience.This intensive and highly practical seminar works with your team to develop customised approaches to guest interaction before, during and after treatment, on the basis of your concept, philosophy and guest profiles.